Sunday, October 26, 2014

You and I

I think I'll never see
rain like this
that joins sky and earth
and otherwise
never touch hearts
of you and I.

May the rain , rain over me 
and you be the raindrop 
that slurps 
in to my heart pages 
stored words ,
lines - half erased ,
the jumbled ones and painted pictures
down the straws 
of every vein and capillary 
and walk tippet y -toe
in and out
hearts and kidneys .
Eventually you know
everything connects
even raindrop and blood
and even ,
you and I

When you have young blood in you

There are up days and down days. There are things we like to do. There are things we want to do but we cannot do. Life is short. There’s only a little you can wish when you are in death bed. I remember a Lawyer, now a Judge saying that you should enjoy every little thing that comes your way. ‘Do not wait for a ‘nakatha’ (an auspicious time) and overthink whether to do or not. Some things fleet so fast, you can’t get them back. If you get to work with a Minister, tell him to take you too around the world. Fill passports .There is so much to explore. And it’s fun. Sky is your limit. ‘

People mostly regret about experiences, relationships and happiness. At the age of 80 they wish for the ability to travel more and move as they could have done at 60.  At 60’s they wish they were more energetic like in 40’s and 50’s. We wish to have those glory days back, because only a handful of people will enjoy their early life in 20’s and 30’s.

Age is a state of mind. Being young is relative. There are people who look like 40 or 50 when they are at the age of 70 or 80. Or some who are at their 40’s will look like 60 or something. The mental, emotional and physical health will determine how well you age and how ‘old’ you feel. You will come across old people doing things that young ones would do. Such people are strong and energetic in both heart and mind. So it’s all about how you feel.

Having said these, there are things you can enjoy more when you do them young.

Give yourself priority. Do what you like. Do what makes you happy. All things happen in your life depending on the choices that you make and how happy you are. Surround yourself with what makes you happy. That will make the journey easier to achieve what you want. And you will be satisfied. Enjoy small things in life. Take walks often. Stop and take a look at the tall buildings. Take a picture or two of what you enjoy seeing. Drop by a ‘kade’ and have your favorite crunchies. Go sit close to the beach and read some poetry. Sometimes even staring at passersby can be interesting. Make sure you appreciate what you see and do.

Stay close with people who are important to you. We may lose people on our way. If you find that you have lost someone who was very important to you, reach out and re connect with them. People who you consider important are very few and far between. So do your best to keep them in your life.

Go out. Staying outdoors is good for anyone. Get some fresh air to breath. Listen to your favorite song. Go out for a movie or watch the musical show you like. Let your feet dance to the beat. Get soaked in the sun. Even the rain isn’t bad. Enjoy what nature has got to offer you.

Remember to be who you are. Every person is unique in their own way. Do not be ashamed to reveal who you are. It is important to know yourself and know what you like at a younger age. The destination will be a clear one then.

Stop caring about what other people will think of you. Fear of criticism is one of the destructive things known to humanity. Learn early in life that other people have nothing to do with your life. What they think of you does not matter. It really doesn’t. And besides, people are too worried to know what you think of them to care about you.

When you are young, surround yourself more with people you love and happy to be with. Have positive people with you. Such people will shape up your life.

Try to travel as much as possible. Every one dreams to travel a lot. But time doesn’t permit once they get settled and have children. When you are younger, travel more, meet new people, experience new cultures, try eating with chopsticks, learn and read other religions, get into different clothing and learn other languages. Knowing another language won’t be a waste. It will help you to cross cultures easily, expand job skills and have a lot of friends to communicate with.

Above all experiment and take risks. Be bold and daring. Do blunders. Do new things. Get out and fail in things. You only get one chance. Make use of it as much as you can.

Give more and more. Give unconditionally. What you give will make you happy someday.

Start a business of your own. Or do a part time job while you do your higher studies. Don’t wait until a time comes for you to become an employee officially. Try your hand in business or work in a field you like. Employment is not a classroom subject. You got to experience it. The earlier and younger you start, the more you will learn and excel. Be crazy. Not in literal terms. But do something adventurous. When you turn 60 or 70, you won’t be able to enjoy camps, hikes and other fun things. 

Life is good.

( Featured in "The Nation"  newspaper on 26th October 2014 with a few edits)

Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Some nights in Mount Lavinia

Pic by

Sun down
inky and thick
half blackened buildings
unfrequented streets
meowing cats and watch dogs
and dancing bats
shadowed on walls
some thin and fat.
Tuk tuks for little miles 
cornered in line,
salt spray wipes,
sea wave frolicking ,
the sweet prawn vibes,
even Gin and rum 
mixed with 80’s rhymes.
Marlboro crushed
march madness of getting high,
And then,
there is anecdote,
pinched hearts
and whispering notes 
in a kiss in oblivion.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Dear Hiranya , Even miracles take a little time*

It’s why in dreams you have no heart ache; you can be whatever you want. So, Cinderella says believe in what you want to be, even if the heart is grieving. Sometimes all you need is trust, faith and a little pixie dust. Plus an accident too. The broken shoe took Cinderella all the way to the palace. Not necessarily saying that we’d live ‘happily ever after’, but there’s some magic in this universe. You just got to know how to play it.

Somewhere around 12 noon, I found him at the Café on the 5th, sipping orange juice out of a glass. He was on his way to meet some friends in Colpetty.“I have no time for rest or to enjoy the company of friends, it’s all day gigs!” He missed a few sips . “You are famous now, you got to work hard. People love your work.”  There was smile spilling off with little giggles. Reserved .There was happiness steaming up. Yes, he is famous in his own little world. 

Hiranya Rahul , 21 years old, was educated in  Nalanda College. He liked engineering. He headed a couple of societies in Nalanda College like the Aeronautical Club, Automobile Society and Photography Society. His plans were to become a pilot. He taught,  even organized workshops and lectures in aeronautics for Nalanda with the help of SriLankan Airlines and Civil Aviation and Aeronautical Society.

But somewhere down the line something went wrong. All that magic about flying and planes just got thrown way when he was studying for A/Ls in the math stream. He wasn’t heavily into music. As a habit he used to listen to Night Club sessions on radio. “It hit me suddenly. I was so obsessed. I was confused as to how they mix all kinds of music at once. I started googling and researching about sound mixing and engineering. I had sleepless nights back then. Read and read on disc jockeying and sound engineering.” He begins with a radio channel founded by him titled ‘Electro Revo’ on a website that supports free live streaming. He had played with his computer plugged into a few sound systems and speakers, alone, until two o’clock in the morning, despite his A/Ls.

“I wasn’t competent enough to run a radio channel. It became more of music than talking unlike many other live streaming media. Eventually I got requests from all over the world to play music. There was a good fan base. I was happy.”However Hiranya stopped radioing after two years. He brings in his own sounds systems, consoles and the whole nine yards. Meeting Dhanuka had brought him a long way. “Dhanuka taught me about buttons to mixers, plug-ins, volume control, beats and everything in between. He should be thanked for most of what I’ve been able to achieve.”

Dhanuka has helped Hiranya to rent amplifiers and other machines in the beginning. His first disc jockey (DJ) performance was an O/L after party. There were days to think alot, he says. To think of things like spending money.  Sound machines and gear is too expensive. Saving money proved difficult for Hiranya. Every penny that came his way was spent on gear the next day. He likes to thank his friends who helped him find events to provide music, sound and lighting systems for, which brought him the much needed money. Life became a bit easy afterward.

When Venura joined the group recently, Hiranya commenced a start up company supplying sounds, lightings, photography and even does hires for other DJs. Hiranya is now hired by various institutions, hotels and event organizers  island-wide for Dj’ing and sounds. He is busy with almost three to four gigs per day.

“I was invited to do gigs for overseas hotels in India and Indonesia. My mother wasn’t very happy about that. So I have no plans to play overseas. Maybe when I’m a little more grown up,” Hiranya interjected.

Hiranya’s hard work paid off, having been awarded the winner of Spin Off at one of the most demanding and competitive music events held in Colombo recently. He has been encouraged, literally forced, by his music fans to join the competition. And above all his brother’s feedback during trials has been one big reason for him to nail it. Hiranya further added that Dj’ing isn’t just playing music. There are has-to-be-done things before one performs. You need to know what you are playing, what music the crowd likes, how you are going to jump from one song to another. You can manually mark the starting point and finishing point of a song. It’s a combination of sound mixing, volume control, changing beats,  changing genres of which many Sri Lankan DJs have no idea.

 “You learn with experience and with different crowds,” He says.

What is he going to do next?

Hiranya couldn’t make it through his A/Ls, because his head and heart were  somewhere else seeking answers to music sessions he heard in Yes FM.   All day and night was dedicated to studying sound engineering and disk jockeying. There was nothing better than for him anticipating his own sound system – to own his own sound system. He wants to save a little more money, go abroad and study sound engineering, especially Public Addressing(PA) and then expand his business. He thinks that the growing night life in Colombo and suburbs will provide a more conducive environment for his business, specially hangouts, birthday parties and TGIFs.

Life is good for Hiranya. It’s a dream come true, though it took  took time to build the ground up. Let’s give him a big clap.

(Published in The Nation , on 19th October 2014 , titled 'Spin Off for DJ-ing')

Feet Again

Pic by
These feet
I love
has crushed by weed,
fed in debris,
strided in time and archeology,
showered by waters in the oceans,
upon the streams,
walked upon earth
like blade ploughed gently in field,
upon the wind
like blown away missiles,
strolled upon heart
with longing , hurt , bruise and everything else
and with millions of secrets
dissolved into one
like dust particle
thrown away into sky.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

In celebration of 'You'

( For Justice A.H.M.D Nawaz)

On some days you are  heavy heartened ,
when you capture the wrong , the wrong doing
your world is delicate
soft like a baby’s breath
tender chuckles spilled
and giggles that transforms in to magic,
dancing fairies , Carolinas and Ceasers
wrapped in principles and judgements
even  the words orphaned
wisdom and many realities .
I know you
in a little less years
but then ,
I don’t know what you’ve done,
I don’t know what you have seen,
You have walked the grass , the stone ,  the stream and everything else
I have walked the soil too , in other feet
You have heard the crickets sing , the chirps  and cackles
but different from  mine.
You come in color and picture
earthed and woven in thread
stitched between line and space
in my notebook
like a heroic cosmopolitan
a mentor
a comrade.
I wish
I could leap into your heart
and see the bruise and healed,
grasshopper memories,
the strangers and spare dreams
of big heartedness and leniency.

 *Justice A.H.M.D Nawaz , the former Deputy Solicitor General , now a Judge in Court of Appeal , a wonderful  teacher and everything.

Saturday, October 4, 2014

There are maps and map makers too

There are maps once drawn. Maps once lived. Some drawn and torn. Some marked wrong. And some maps renewed. There were maps to study, maps to frown over. They meant something.  Sometimes life is land surveying or cartography.  Hearts wait for people and places like maps that wait for countries yet to come.

Even our bodies are mapped. We don’t let blood vessels to run wherever they like. Their ways are carefully identified. Every artery and vein will have their   right turns, left turns, bumpers, slopes up, slopes down and some with one ways. Some will be lucky. They will have their byroads, so that they can avoid blockades and traffic. Hearts too have roads, packed with places they‘ve seen, things they want to forget, things they’ve left and things they don’t want to stray into.

Everything is marked and mapped.

We are regular mappers. Formulators. Cartographers by birth.  ‘When a map maker learns a place isn’t identified, he will soon start positioning it. That becomes very regular for them, ‘he says. Maps are precise. Map makers won’t confuse you.

Akshika Wijesundara is a product of Royal College and is currently a third year student studying Computer Science Engineering at the University of Moratuwa. He has always liked computers.  He is a gamer since he was three years old. ‘I got my first computer when I was in Grade two. There onwards I tried learning things by myself. Was pretty much addicted to it’ he interjected. He took A/Ls in math stream.

He is a map maker by habit. He teaches how to make maps. He creates maps all day and night. He helps Google to develop maps for Sri Lanka. Technically, he is making things easy for travelers around Sri Lanka and even for the foreigners who come down to our country. He maps restaurants, HOTELS, byroads, streets and every visitor attraction with reviews.

‘Later, when I watched the movie titled ‘The Social Network’, it inspired me a lot to take up my carrier as a computer science engineer’ he said. Akshika is definitely closer to his dream. Not just being a computer science student . He is far beyond. He is a Google Student Ambassador representing Sri Lanka.  For him it’s a very rare chance, having competed with a large number of South East Asians coming from Indonesia, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, the Philippines, Vietnam and Pakistan who are far ahead in technology and almost techies by nature. He isn’t just creating maps or developing them, but also organizes map making sessions island wide bringing university students together.

Akshika  works with a team consisting  four namely, Alagarasan Mahalingam from Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology, Dulshani Gunawardane from University of Moratuwa, Madhaw Perera from Colombo School of Computing and Kasun Gunasekara from Informatics Institute of Technology. Thus Akshika is the liaison for Google Inc in the USA.

‘We have initiated Google Student Communities in almost every university. There’s a lot of effort put to spread IT and knowledge across Sri Lanka. I got to travel long distances to hold workshops. It’s no easy task. But I’m happy because there is a large crowd in thirst of these’. This was his story.

Akshika is running the second batch of Sri Lanka’s Google Student Ambassadors and is helping promote IT among Sri Lankans. He says that University of Moratuwa having won the Summer of Code for the seventh consecutive year conducted by Google globally, this country has hope for a better future in IT and technology.

Being a Google liaison, Akshika says that it is a life changing experience to travel other countries to facilitate and participate in Google trainings. It has given him the opportunity to reach out to people in Google, to talk with Directors and other heads and work cooperatively.  Akshika had just been to Philippines to represent Sri Lanka at the Google Ambassador Summit. He will be also going to Singapore this month for an Internship in International Design Center offered by Research Lab of Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the USA.

He likes to thank his  parents, a few friends like Dinal, Vimukthi,  Saranee, his  boarding mates and almost every lecturer in University, Department Heads and school teachers who  have helped him come this way .Akshika has been a notorious school boy, even then managed to get in to Computer  Science Engineering with the idea of doing ‘awesome stuff’.  He is doing his own startup company providing innovative software and hardware solutions with a few friends and has won awards and honors in many IT competitions.

Akshika has mapped a long way. He isn’t just a Google Map Maker. He is a maker in many computer-related things. Let these lines in maps take him far more, form bridges and connect  rivers, streams and everything else here and there.

(Featured in "The Nation FREE" on 5th October 2014)